
2022-05-14 1,155 0





首先,我对我在乌克兰战争中的首要经历并不是感到失望,然而,有些文章断章取义说我 "非常失望"。我在多次采访中提到了 "战争是一种可怕的失望",意思是说战争通常对许多人来说都是一种“可怕的失望”。就我而言,我非常喜欢我在乌克兰的第一次逗留!事情的复杂和混乱是我预料之中的事,事实上在大多数情况下也的确如此。战争本身就意味着混乱,即便你是赢家! 亲俄的宣传说我自己(对乌克兰的经历)非常失望,而我从来没有这样说过!

总的来说,战争是一种可怕的失望。一些新兵期望与敌人进行光荣的徒手搏斗,而实际上,士兵的日常工作是占据地面,想尽办法保护自己不受现代重武器的伤害,而大多数士兵可能从未见过这些重武器; 许多人的想象中,一名狙击手总是在发射子弹,放到敌军士兵,然而在现实中,如果一个狙击手可以指挥炮兵,在不被发现的情况下摧毁整个敌人的阵地,那么他开枪射杀一个敌人并暴露自己的位置的做法就是愚蠢的,这只是两个基本的例子。许多人会被他们的第一次战争经历所震惊,而有些士兵是 "为战争而生 "的,在这种敌对的环境中,他们很快就能够找到自我,然后泰然处之,我就是这个群体中的一员。


最好的宣传方式是在真理和谎言之间反复横跳。敌人宣传说我已经死了,那是糟糕的宣传,因为这很容易被推翻,只需在采访中展示我就能证明我还活着。现在,敌人的宣传变得越来越“睿智”,质量越来越“高”——只歪曲现实,不说明显的谎言,我们可以从最近关于我的文章中看到这一点。这些文章把我说的话扭曲得恰到好处,但保留了一些真实性。敌人的宣传者也善于把我的许多言论拼凑在一起,同时混入我甚至都没有参与的趣闻轶事,因此,阅读这些文章的人会获得一种扭曲的观点。现实充满了细微差别,就像战争一样。如果我只展示某个城市最糟糕的照片会发生什么?人们可能会认为这个城市很丑陋,不应该被访问。在亲俄的宣传文章中,细节被屏蔽。例如,一些文章将我的一些日记陈述与有关诺曼旅的谣言混在一起——一支我只呆了几天,没有参加过他们的任何战斗的部队。 这个谣言就此被澄清。(这段往事在2022年3月9日的第一篇日记中有提到过,原文这一段重复了三遍,不知道是失误还是“重说三”,)





在乌克兰,外国战斗人员一直存在问题,但这也是完全正常的,我们面对的这场战争才刚刚开始! 想象一下,一家土木工程公司的大多数员工没有合作经验,有些人甚至没有技术资格,我们要求这家公司在河上建一座桥, 施工现场刚开始的时候会是什么样子?那肯定是一片混乱! 同样的情况也发生在乌克兰,我们都在一点一点地变得更有经验,外国人如此,乌克兰人也一样。



作为亲俄宣传文章的灵感来源的La Presse文章:点击打开 .




Truth is the first casualty of war. We can now see how this applies to this Ukrainian war and to me personally. Many enemy propaganda articles distort facts and give a false impression of reality.

(I have put the links below. I invite you to read these articles after reading what I have to say. You will better understand how the truth can be distorted or manipulated. I have also included an article by the group of Fact Checking from Voice of America, who contacted me. I also invite you to read the comments of readers to see the levels of ignorance of pro-Russians.)

First of all, I am NOT disappointed with my first experience in this Ukrainian war. Some articles claim, however, that I am “terribly disappointed”. In several interviews, I mentioned that "war is a terrible disappointment", meaning that war is a terrible disappointment in general, for many people. For my part, I really enjoyed my first stay in Ukraine! I expected things to be complicated and chaotic and for the most part they were. War is chaos, even when you win! Pro-Russian propaganda claims that I am terribly disappointed myself when I never said that!

War is a terrible disappointment in general. Several new soldiers expect glorious hand-to-hand combat with the enemy, when in reality the daily job of the soldier is to occupy the ground and protect against modern heavy weapons that the majority of soldiers do not will often not even see! Many people expect snipers to shoot soldiers all day. In reality, it is stupid for a sniper to shoot a single enemy and reveal his position if that same sniper can command the artillery and destroy the entire enemy position without even being detected. These are just two basic examples. Many people are shocked by their first experience of war. Some soldiers are “made for war” and quickly find themselves at ease in this type of hostile environment. I am part of this group.

When I left Ukraine after this first visit, the situation was very different from when I arrived. At first it was about the Russians encircling armies and cities, only to capture them. Today the war risks spilling over into Russian territory and mysterious fires in Russian territory are beginning to look like an insurrection! I remember this thought of a German living under the Nazis: “The so-called victories were slowly approaching Berlin”. Looks like the so-called Russian victories are getting closer and closer to Moscow!

The best propaganda is propaganda bordering on truth and lies. When enemy propaganda said I was dead, it was bad propaganda because it was easy to deny. It was enough to simply show me in interviews and thereby prove that I was still alive. Now enemy propaganda is getting more sophisticated. “Quality” propaganda distorts reality without lying too obviously. We can see this with recent articles about me, which twist what I said just enough to have some truth to it. Enemy propaganda is also good at piecing together many of my statements while mixing them with anecdotes that I often didn't even participate in. Someone reading these articles therefore has a distorted view of reality. Reality is full of nuances, just like war. What would happen if I only showed the worst photos of a given city? People would think this town is ugly and should not be visited. In pro-Russian propaganda articles, nuances are removed. For example, some articles mix some of my statements with rumors concerning the Norman Brigade, a unit with which I saw no combat and with which I only stayed a few days. shades are removed. For example, some articles mix some of my statements with rumors concerning the Norman Brigade, a unit with which I saw no combat and with which I only stayed a few days. shades are removed. For example, some articles mix some of my statements with rumors concerning the Norman Brigade, a unit with which I saw no combat and with which I only stayed a few days.

Pro-Russian propaganda gives the impression that I have a low opinion of the Ukrainian armed forces and that is the reason why I left Ukraine. I can say without hesitation that the Ukrainians are the bravest soldiers I have met so far. They are braver than the majority of Canadian soldiers, at least in my experience. The Ukrainian Armed Forces are not perfect, but still effective. That's why every constructive criticism I say comes with a lot of praise. Enemy propaganda quotes only certain criticisms, using them out of context, which distorts reality.

Many things could be improved in the Ukrainian armed forces, the same way we could improve the American, Canadian or French armed forces. My criticism of the Ukrainian Armed Forces constitutes constructive criticism for improvement. What I want is for us to win this war against Russia. This is possible through constant self-improvement. This is one of the reasons why I am writing a book about my experience in this war. This book will be a weapon. It will also be translated into Ukrainian and will contribute to fighting even more effectively.

Many Ukrainian soldiers are inexperienced. I am not frustrated by this, as the enemy propaganda claims. This is completely normal in any war, especially at the beginning. In fact, it's a good thing that we (Ukrainian forces) have so many new soldiers at the front. We now outnumber the enemy. These inexperienced soldiers will only get better. They are already improving!

I think foreign fighters are a good thing. Enemy propaganda seems to say that my assessment of foreign fighters is negative. But my belief is quite the opposite! Many of the volunteers arrive in Ukraine with preconceived expectations and ideas. Most are terribly disappointed. This is true not only for foreign fighters, but for any type of soldier. Many regular soldiers had expectations in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria or Iraq. Many foreign fighters are not good warriors and do not go to the front line out of fear. But again, the same could be said of many non-foreign fighters, who avoid dangerous patrols.

There have been problems with foreign fighters in Ukraine. But again, this is completely normal. We are just starting this war! Imagine that most employees of a civil engineering company have no experience working together and some have no technical qualifications. Imagine that we ask this company to build a bridge over a river! What would the construction site look like when it first started? It would be chaos! The same is happening in Ukraine. We are all becoming more experienced, little by little, foreigners and Ukrainians.

Every day things are getting better with foreign fighters in Ukraine. When a NATO task force is deployed, it usually takes about a year to train that unit and send it overseas. This with soldiers already trained and who speak the same language. In Ukraine, we didn't have that luxury. I think what foreigners and Ukrainians have done so far is remarkable, given the difficulty of the situation. Remember that we are an army that trains and fights at the same time!

What I found particularly amusing in the La Presse article (taken up by pro-Russian propaganda) was the photo of me that was chosen. During the photo shoot, we took dozens of photos. The photo that was chosen is the one where I look at the ground, as if I was depressed. In reality, I was all just enjoying the nature around me. So I was happy. A few seconds later after this photo, I was looking up at the sky. In conclusion, it is up to everyone to see things as they wish: looking up or down.

The La Presse article that served as inspiration for the pro-Russian propaganda: click here .

Pro-Russian RT article distorting reality: click here .

Voice of America's Fact Checking article, which nuances and contradicts the propaganda articles:click here .


