
2022-04-01 966 0








Let's talk about sniper records...

I just did an interview with a media from Georgia (another country attacked by Russia recently). I was asked if I could shoot at 3 km. In summary, under certain ideal conditions, a well-equipped and well-trained sniper can take down a target at around 2 km or more, maybe 3 km if the conditions are really good. But then it comes down to luck. That's like saying, can Tiger Wood make a hole-in-one from 500 yards. He can, but even for Tiger Wood it will be a fluke. It takes a world champion to perform such a feat. A long-range shooting record therefore requires good conditions, good equipment, a well-positioned enemy, skill and luck.

The truth is, a sniper's mission is to take down a target, not to set a new record. The Canadian record that was set in Kurdistan was probably possible because the shooter had no choice but to shoot from that distance. At that time, the special forces had been ordered not to approach the frontline area against the Islamic State. So my interpretation is that the shooter was forced to stay behind the lines, which must have been frustrating. The shooter still detected a well-positioned enemy and was able to engage him. Since it was the front, Kurdish or Iraqi forces were then able to confirm the “kill”. It is also highly probable that the shooter made several spotting shots. At this distance, a sniper bullet is slower than the speed of sound. The enemy therefore probably did not hear the impacts of the bullets around him, as the adjustments were made by the sniper team. To continue the analogy with golf, it's a bit like Tiger Wood trying several times to make a hole in one, each time adjusting the shots, depending on the effect of the wind and the terrain.

The sniper who set the record therefore probably compensated for the political limitations with his skill, and a healthy dose of luck. But I'm sure that same sniper would have preferred to be able to get close to the target, for example at 700 meters. At this distance, no record would have been achieved, but the effect obtained would have been the same. Perhaps even other enemy fighters would have been shot down. I'm sure that's what this sniper would have preferred, because that would have been the smartest.

Our mission is to win the war. Records are rewarding, but they are not important. Peace is all that matters.


