
2022-04-05 265 0





我很庆幸我没有开枪。他所处的地方足以让我有理由扣动扳机,并且能够让我有机会向队友夸耀自己又干掉一个 "敌人"。但我实际上不会击杀一个迷路的无辜者,我在这里不是为了杀戮,而是为了保护。一个不寻求杀戮的战士只是一个刺客,一个战士必须把荣耀看的高于一切。




I observe no man's land with my binoculars. I'm detecting movement between a few buildings. A man advances tactically, trying to avoid being seen. I just saw it. This man is carrying something. I stand behind my sniper weapon. I chamber a cartridge in the chamber.

Being a sniper is like working as a psychologist. We have to understand our environment, the terrain, our prey. I move my gun around. Buildings are destroyed. Several are still emitting smoke, following the fires caused by the Russian artillery. I move my weapon again. I detect a small chimney coming out of a small building. Someone is trying to get warm from this building!

Someone is moving again. This is the same man I detected earlier. I prepare to shoot. The man transporting wood! It is not a Russian, but a Ukrainian! This man lives in the rubble of the houses between us and the enemy! He shouldn't be there. I was entitled to shoot him down. I was this close to pulling it. One finger, to be precise, and less than 2 pounds of pressure.

I did well not to shoot. It would have been enough for me to pull the trigger and thus be able to boast of having killed another “enemy”. But I would have actually killed a lost innocent. I am not here to kill, but to protect. A warrior who does not seek to kill is only an assassin. A warrior must be honorable above all else.

Many of you are surely disappointed. I haven't killed any Russians with my sniper weapon yet. Not yet. But rest assured, I detected Russian soldiers, as did my colleagues. These enemies were bombarded by our artillery and several of them died.

War is not what we thought. I like to tell you about this war in a cold, brutal, realistic way. Reality is more powerful than stupid war movies.


