
2022-04-02 483 0



我在基辅地区,这里的俄国大兵已经撤退了,大面积的领土已经回到乌克兰军队的掌控之中。俄国人随时可能改变主意重新杀回来,也有可能是用假撤退来迷惑我们,白俄罗斯的军队也可能在一夜之间冲杀过来。因此,我们非常有必要在这里保留一定数量的军队,以便随时投入战斗。相比把一支已经脱离战场或已经调动的部队重新拉回来,将在战线后方休整的部队部署到前线要容易和快速得多。这正是所谓的 "休整 "的概念。



昨天,我本人到射击场兜了一圈,我不得不检查我的武器是否能够正常工作,还不得不根据春季气温升高的情况,对我射出的子弹的出口速度进行测试和记录,以便制作出改进射击参数表。这,不是什么 "兰博 "事情,而是必不可少的工作。



I see more and more people criticizing me for not being at the front for a few days. These criticisms, thankfully few in number, come from people who from the comfort of their living room seem frustrated that their Nazi friends are losing this war. Moreover, these critics do not understand how a war works.

I am in Kyiv region. The Russians retreat and large amounts of territory are recaptured. The Russians could change their minds or deceive us with a false retreat. Or, Belarus could decide to commit its own troops overnight. It is therefore necessary to keep troops in reserve in order to be ready to fight quickly. It is easier and faster to deploy a unit at rest behind the lines to the front than to disengage and move a unit already at the front. This is precisely the concept behind what is called a “reserve”.

The importance of rest should not be underestimated. Just this morning, a wounded comrade came to visit us. We also count deaths. Other soldiers have been under enormous and constant stress in the past few weeks. They need to breathe.

Know that my combat unit has left weapons and equipment in the combat zones, this so that we have strong points quickly available. These defensive positions are no longer necessary. It is therefore necessary to fetch weapons and equipment, maintain them and collect them in depots for other operations. Work little “Rambo” but necessary.

Yesterday, I personally went for a ride to the shooting ranges. I had to check that my weapons were working properly. I also had to take readings of the exit velocity of the precision bullets I fire, based on the warmer spring temperatures, in order to generate improved shot tables. Again, there's nothing “Rambo” about it, but it's necessary.

These are just a few concrete examples that show the reality of war. War is a brutal art, but where intelligence and planning play an important role. War is not about simply running nonstop and mindlessly towards the enemy. Those who act in this way are decimated in a few hours.


