
2022-03-29 286 0








This war is an information war.

Peace is partly possible because information is exchanged between people. Much of the information about the war in Ukraine spreads through the internet and even ends up in Russia. The information is often distorted, but the truth nevertheless eventually comes out. Already, many Russians are against this war. Several Russian soldiers even refuse to fight in this war of aggression.

Internet is still functional on the Ukrainian territory. Apparently, this is largely possible because Star Link antennas serve as network relays. At first, I was worried that the Star Link antennas would be targeted and quickly destroyed. A Star Link unit looks like an ordinary satellite dish. This antenna transmits continuously and can be detected easily.

After seeing the Russian artillery and air force in action, I can tell you that it is not so easy for the Russians to destroy a Star Link antenna. Simply place a Star Link unit in a hole, for example, and surround it with sandbags or concrete walls. It would then require a direct impact to destroy it, which would require a large quantity of shells, or even use a large bomb. A guided munition could certainly be used, but its cost would exceed that of the Star Link antenna. The war is also an economic war: the Russians have no interest in spending hundreds of millions of dollars worth of missiles to destroy a few antennas, if these antennas can be replaced in a few hours at the cost of a few thousand dollars.

This war is also an information war. For the truth to be known, it must be shared. The Star Link network makes it possible to do this. I am so proud to see the world rise up against this crime against peace which is the Russian invasion of Ukraine.


