
2022-03-08 286 0


这(头图)就是被轰炸地区的乌克兰人的日常生活的样子,当警报响起时,人们冲向地下室。然后他们做任何人都会做的事情来打发时间:打开手机,看社交媒体上的视频——前提是互联网还在运转的话。他们看同样的 "猫 "视频和同样的新闻,这些是发生在他们身边,而不是遥远的地方的事件。人类有很强的适应能力,这里的大多数人已经习惯了这场战争,尽管这场战争才开始两周时间。

该地区的城市建筑通常由混凝土制成,比较坚固。炮弹摧毁了窗户和建筑物的外皮,但大多数结构并未受损,破坏这些建筑的结构需要使用航空炸弹或重炮。除非该建筑被用作防御阵地,否则会造成(弹药)浪费。在大多数情况下,尽管财物的损失巨大,但保护自己不受轰炸还是很容易的。有时候,看似无害的损害才最令人恼火的,你要知道,这里现在仍然是冬天,温度接近冰点。如果弹片毁坏了一扇窗户,那么就不可能给房子保暖。因此,用手头的东西来 "修补 "窗户变得非常有必要,在目前这种情况下,塑料袋就是其中之一,这只是众多例子中的一个。



This is what daily life looks like for Ukrainians in the bombed areas. When the alarm sounds, people rush to the basement. They then do what anyone would do to pass the time: open their cell phone and watch videos on social media, when the internet is still on. They watch the same “cat” videos and the same news. These stories represent events happening around them, not in a distant land. Humans have a great capacity for adaptation. Most of the people here are already used to this war, which didn't even start two weeks ago.

Urban buildings in the region are often made of concrete and are solid. The shells destroy windows and the exterior of buildings, but most often fail to destroy their structure. This would require an aerial bomb or heavy artillery, which would be wasteful unless the building was used as a defensive position. In the majority of situations, it is easy to protect oneself from bombardments, although the material damage is often enormous. Seemingly harmless damage is sometimes the most annoying. Remember that it is still winter here and the temperature is close to freezing. If a shrapnel destroys a window, it becomes impossible to heat the house. It is therefore necessary to "patch" the window with the means at hand, in this case with plastic bags. This is just one example among many.

War is a waste of human resourcefulness.


