
2022-03-05 386 0


乌克兰特警队进入我们的 "秘密 "基地。

我打开门——特警甚至有礼貌地敲了一下门。当门打开时,我看到一队全副武装、身穿黑色制服的士兵,我缓慢地举起双手,同时忍不住轻轻地、慢慢地 "啊 "了一声,——这么做是为了不让对方认为我是潜在威胁,从而给我一枪。


门打开后的一瞬间,我就被怼到墙上搜身,其中一名特警用俄语向我问话,我用 "简化 "的英语向他解释我们是来帮忙的加拿大人和英国人,希望对方能明白——我都没有时间去学习一句乌克兰语。








Ukrainian Police SWAT entered our “secret” house. I opened the door because the SWAT even politely knocked on the door. As I opened, I saw the column of soldiers armed and dressed in black. I couldn't help but say a soft, slow “ahhhhhhh” while raising my hands slowly, so as not to leave the impression that I was a threat and thus take a bullet.

My first instinct was to see that the men had official uniforms and not ramshackle or civilian clothes, which could have led to the belief that the men were enemy agents who had come to kill us. My reaction would then have been quite different.

A second after opening the door, I was slammed against the wall and searched. One of the SWATs was talking to me in Russian. I explained to him that we were Canadians and Brits who had come to help, in “simplified” English, to be understood. I didn't have time to learn a word of Ukrainian.

The soldiers moved quickly into the house. The guys threw their hands up in the air like prisoners. One of the volunteers was talking with his wife on the phone. He was tackled to the ground, his boot against his face. His wife was crying on the phone, thinking her husband had just been killed by Russians.

The SWAT operators quickly realized that we were on their side. In no time, we became friends. We exchanged jokes, we laughed and we commented on our equipment. "Those are good boots," a British mate told a SWAT operator. "No, no, they're not good, they're from China," replied the black-clad SWAT, who was no longer pointing his gun at us.

This little story put everyone in a good mood. This even allowed us to make other contacts in Ukraine.

The good news of all this: despite the fact that we were hidden, the population had alerted the authorities.

Victory to Ukraine!


